2024 Showcase Information / FAQ's
General Information
We are so excited for our annual Showcase!
At the end of every dance season we put on a showcase to feature our dancers and everything they have learned throughout the year. This performance gives them a chance to share their talents, new skills and love of dance with friends and family. Nothing is more exciting than getting dressed in a costume and performing a piece that has been crafted just for them, by our choreographers.
Participation in the Showcase is not required, however most dancers choose to participate as it is the exciting culmination to a year of hard work and wonderful moments.
Showcases are a big deal. It’s our end of the year production with lots of things to accomplish and many moving pieces to make it a successful event for your dancer. To make sure everything runs smoothly we ask that you read through ALL the information you receive.
Rohr Studios / Edmonds Woodway High School: 7600 212th ST SW, Edmonds WA 98026
Important Dates
Monday-Saturday, 03/18/24 - 03/23/24 - In Class ~ Costume Week(s) {given the costumes are in} (Location: Rohr Studios)
Saturday, 05/18/24, 11:00a-2:30p ~ In House Rehearsal (Location: Rohr Studios)
Saturday, 06/08/24, 12:00p-2:00p ~ Mandatory Volunteer Meeting (Location: Rohr Studios)
Saturday, June 22nd - Call times listed in this packet ~ Dress Rehearsal / Pictures (Location: Edmonds Woodway High School)
Sunday, June 23rd - Call times listed in this packet ~ 2024 Showcase (Location: Edmonds Woodway High School)
● Costumes have been ordered.
● While normally we would have a “Costume Week”, due to supply chain issues costumes are coming in at different times. So, you will be receiving an email prior to your class’s costume try on. This will take place at the studio where your dancers will try on their costumes in class for the teacher. You will be asked to come inside the studio for a mini meeting regarding the costume and details on how the teacher would like the dancers to look on stage. We will need one parent/guardian to attend these mini meetings.
● Once costume fees, June tuition and any balance on your account is paid you may come in and sign out your dancers costumes.
● Your dancer's costume will come with a Costume Checklist that will include a list of all items that come with the costume, hair & makeup list.
This year we get to do our big Studio Finale again! The Finale is where all our dancers get to come out and do a curtain call bow.
● After their last dance, all dancers will change into their provided Showcase T-shirts, any of their own black bottoms they can dance in {leggings, shorts, pants…no skirts or dresses or jeans}, and any of their own mostly black sneakers/flat shoes that they can dance in.
● Dancers will be brought on stage for a final bow at the end of the performance.
Volunteers: We NEED volunteers to make something this big and spectacular to work, and we would love to have your help. There are quite a few spots we need filled for all three weekend events.
● There are three weekend events: ○ Dress Rehearsal / Picture Day ○ Showcase Matinee Show ○ Showcase Evening Show ● There are many rolls. A full list with descriptions can be found in your Parents Portal when you click on the new green “Volunteer” button. You could be a helping hand with things like… ○ Check In/Out ○ Backstage Runner ○ Dressing room Parent for tots, pre’s, level 1’s, level 2’s, boys. ○ Security
● We need ALL of these rolls filled to run the Showcase. If we do not have them filled it may affect your dancer's ability to perform.
● All Volunteers receive a Showcase Tshirt and our immense gratitude. For those of you that opt to be backstage during one of the performances, we will provide you with free admittance to the other show, so you have the opportunity to see the magic from the audience as well.
Check- In / Check Out Process
In order to keep our dancers safe at our events there is a Check-In / Check-Out process.
● Checking In: ○ Your dancer will arrive at the venue, at their Call Time, dressed and ready to go on stage (with the exception of dance shoes) to Check-In at the Check-In table.
○ Each dancer will have one, and only one, wristband with their name on it. This wristband MUST go to the person that will be CHECKING THEM OUT at the end of the show.
○ Your dancers will be escorted to their dressing room by one of our runners.
● Checking Out: ○ After the Finale dancers will be taken backstage to gather their things.
○ Then dancers will be released in order of Age/Level {Tots / Pre’s / L1 / L2}, to the person with their wristband, and ONLY to the person with their wristband (Yes, even if we know who you are, even if you are a parent, even if you have told us it’s “ok” ... no dancer will be released to ANYONE not wearing that dancer's wristband).
● Each Showcase Event will have its own color of wristband.
Dressing Rooms
● There will be two parent volunteers per level assisting dancers with their costume, hair, & finale changes.
● There will be snacks and water provided for each dancer backstage. If you dancer has specific dietary or allergy needs, please send them with their own supplies.
● Please remember to send your dancer with a bag or bin with their name on it to collect their costumes at the end of the show.
● Absolutely NO student cell phones allowed in the dressing rooms
You will receive two tickets with your first dancers Showcase Package. These tickets MUST be claimed by March 31st or they will be released to the general public for sale.
Tickets will go on sale April 1st. This will be first come-first serve.
Tickets are $25 (April) / $28 (May) / $30 (June 1-end of office hours on June 22) / $32 (door).
There are no refunds for tickets, for any reason.
NEW! We are offering special gifts to all our families that sell a certain number of presale tickets. There will be a chart in the studio to keep track of ticket sales and each family's progress towards your prizes that you will receive at Showcase.
Shouts Outs
Don’t forget to purchase Showcase Shout Outs for your dancer! This is a great way for you or family members to give your dancer a little bit of good luck before they perform. Shout outs will be printed in the program and part of the slide show during seating. We will have examples of the different styles posted in the lobby for you to look at.
$20: 1/8th page words only (maximum of 95 characters, not including the dancer’s name)
$40: 1/4th page, 1 photo plus words (maximum of 100 characters, not including the dancer’s name)
$60: 1/2 page, 2 photos, plus words (maximum of 200 characters, not including the dancer’s name)
$80: Full page, 3 photos, plus words (maximum of 300 characters, not including the dancer’s name)
To purchase a shoutout you will need to email the office at info@rohrstudios.dance with the following information…
Which shout out package you would like to purchase.
Your performers name.
Your message with the appropriate amount of characters (for our purposes “spaces” count towards the character count).
The appropriate amount of pictures you would like to include, given you have purchased a package with pictures.
If you have a card on file, whether you would like us to charge your card or pay via another method.
All Shoutouts must be submitted and paid for by May 15th . Shoutouts must be paid for in full before they are considered for the program.
This season's Showcase pictures are being shot by Gaby Cavalcanti Photography.
Pictures will be shot at Dress Rehearsal / Picture Day. This is a mandatory event.
All dancers will be in their class photos however the purchasing of pictures is optional.
If you would like to purchase pictures of this special day you will need to pre-register. Information on how to pre-register will be sent out closer to the event.
We will take group and individual photos.
Parents will not be allowed in the photography area, however parents are welcome to take pictures before and after the performances.
We do not allow personal photos to be taken DURING the performance as it is a distraction and therefore a hazard to our dancers, a safety concern, and we also want our guests to be able to experience the show live and not through a screen. If we see ANY recording or photographing during the performances, the person will be asked to leave the event without a refund.
● There will be video taken of the entire Showcase.
● A video of the Showcase is included in your Showcase Package.
● Within a couple weeks after the Showcase you will receive a link to a digital video. You will have through August 31st to download the video before it is taken down.
● We do not allow personal video to be taken DURING the performance as it is a distraction and therefore a hazard to our dancers, a safety concern, and we also want our guests to be able to experience the show live and not through a screen. If we see ANY recording or photographing during the performances, the person will be asked to leave the event without a refund.
● This is your Showcase Details Packet with all of the general Showcase information in it. You will receive a paper version, it will also be up in your Parents Portal in "Shared Files".
● Any emails that relate to the Showcase and need to be read will come with the title SHOWCASE Please be sure to read these emails in their entirety and respond if necessary, some things may be time sensitive.
● You can find much information on the "Spring Showcase Information" page of the website.
● Your teacher may ask you to come in at the end of a class for a quick mini meeting to cover upcoming information.
● We will post upcoming events and reminders in Band. Please be sure you are in BOTH your class band and the general Rohr Studios band.
● For quick information follow our social media
○ https://www.instagram.com/rohrstudios/
○ https://www.facebook.com/rohrstudios
Student Practice Tools
● Teachers regularly post choreography videos in the class Bands. To view them go to...
Your class band...
Click on the photos icon in the bottom gray bar...
Click into your dances' album...
Click on the video you would like to view.
● Your dancers showcase edit music can be found in your Parents Portal...
Click the green "Shared Files" button...
Click the "Class Music" file...
Click the green title of the song you wish to hear...
A player will come up and you can play the song from there or...
Click the 3 dots and click "Download" which will download the song onto your device.
● Dancers are encouraged to bring notebooks to class and take notes at the end of any corrections or cleaning they need to review week to week.
Parent Actions:
Sign up for volunteer roles in your Parents Portal and sign off on your volunteer tshirt size at the studio front board.
There is a student name list posted at the studio front board. We need you to check the spelling of your dancers name, which dances they are in, and correct any mistakes by March 31st as this will be the spelling on the Showcase Shirts and in the program.
There is a list at the front board to claim your Showcase Package tickets. This must be done by March 31st.
Purchase any wanted presale tickets by June 20th.
Pre Register for Pictures at https://www.gabycphoto.com/2024rspictureday
You will need to settle any balances on your account and sign out your dancers costumes before Dress Rehearsal.
General FAQs:
● What is "Call Time"
○ Call Time is when your dancer needs to be ready to walk on stage. Meaning whatever the requirements are for that day need to be met by that time. This usually means: costume & dance shoes on, hair & makeup done, fully stretched & warmed up, and dance already reviewed.
● How should my dancer arrive?
○ For Dress Rehearsal and the Showcase your dancer should arrive with makeup done, hair done for their first dance on the schedule, and in costume with some kind of cover up or jacket over the top. Dance shoes should not be worn outside and should be put on once at the venue.
● Will I be able to purchase extra tickets at the door?
○ Yes, while still available. {Please see Tickets section above}
● What if my dancers or a household member has felt sick recently?
○ If your dancer or any household member has had ANY Covid-19 symptoms in the past 7 days please report it to the office and take a Covid test. If the test is negative proceed as normal. If the test is positive please inform the office and follow all Washington State guidelines.
● Do I need to wear a mask?
○ No. However we strongly recommend wearing a mask around large crowds as will be present at all Showcase related events.
● How do I purchase Pictures?
○ You will need to preregister with Gaby Cavalcanti Photography. {Link in the Pictures section above, and on the “2022 Showcase Information” page on our website.}
Dress Rehearsals:
Please pay close attention to the time slot/s that your dancer is assigned to. Your dancer is required to stay for the entirety of their dress rehearsal / picture slot. They can leave once their entire time slot is complete.
Date: Saturday, 06/22/24 (This is a mandatory event.)
Call Time: Dress Rehearsal / Picture Day
9:45a ~ Staff Pics
10:15a ~ Marketing Pics
11:30a ~ The Pride Team Pics / Solo Lighting Tech / Duo>Trio>Group Stage Runs
3:30p ~ Showcase Pic/Dress Slot 1
5:00p ~ Showcase Pic/Dress Slot 2
6:30p ~ Showcase Pic/Dress Slot 3
Location: Edmonds Woodway High School- 7600 212th ST SW, Edmonds, WA 98026
Tentative Dress Rehearsal Schedule (this is a different lineup than the Showcase).
Staff / Marketing Pics
[Staff] T.A.’s
[Staff] Teachers
The Pride Team Pics
TPT If You Hadn't
TPT If I Were A Man
TPT You Are My Sunshine
TPT I'd Rather Go Blind
TPT A Letter To My Parents
TPT She's In Love (W&S)
TPT The Way She Said
TPT Do It To It
TPT Balloons
TPT Hit The Floor
TPT First Day Of Summer
TPT We R Who We R
TPT Spiderman
TPT Wherever We Go
TPT Apologize
The Pride Team Lighting Tech / Stage Runs
TPT You Are My Sunshine
TPT She's In Love (W&S)
TPT Do It To It
TPT Balloons
TPT First Day Of Summer
TPT We R Who We R
TPT Wherever We Go
TPT Apologize
TPT All Solos
Showcase Pics
Pic/Dress Slot 1 - Group Warmup
HipHop 2 Mortal Kombat
Ballet Tot Rainbow
MT Pre Let's Go To The Movies
MT 2 Austin Powers
HipHop Tot Rugrats
Ballet Pre Moon River
Tap 2 Manah-Manah
Pic/Dress Slot 2 - Group Warmup
Tap 3 Cups
MT 1 The Tale of Sweeney Todd
Tap Pre Singing In The Rain
T.A. Dance …
Tap 1 The Bright Side of Life
HipHop Pre Oompa-Loompa
Jazz 2 Maniac
Jazz 1 Footloose
Pic/Dress Slot 3 - Group Warmup
HipHop 1 Jurassic Park
Ballet 2 (A) Canned Heat
Jazz Pre Pink Panther
Ballet 1 Song of Amélie
Adult Tap Ghostbusters
Lyrical 2 My Heart Will Go On
Lyrical 1 Once Upon A December
Dress Rehearsal/ FAQ's
What is "Call Time"
Call Time is when your dancer needs to be ready to walk on stage. Meaning whatever the requirements are for that day need to be met by that time. This usually means: costume & dance shoes on, hair & makeup done, fully stretched & warmed up, and dance already reviewed.
Do we need to come in costume, hair & makeup?
Yes. Please have your dancer arrive with makeup done, hair done for their first dance, and in costume with some kind of cover up or jacket over the top. Dance shoes should not be worn outside and should be put on once at the event. This is your opportunity to figure out what you need to do for the Showcase. It is an opportunity for the teachers to check how kids are going to look on stage and how the costumes interact with the dance. It is an opportunity for the dancers to practice dancing in their costumes.
Will we need dance shoes?
Yes. Please bring all dance shoes that your dancer will need for their pieces.
Does my dancer need to stay for the entire rehearsal?
Your dancer only needs to stay for the entirety of the time slot/s their dances are assigned to.
Will parents be allowed to watch?
No. This will be a drop off event.
What if my dancer is in multiple pieces and needs to change costumes?
Please have your dancer arrive ready for their first dance on the schedule FOR THAT EVENT.
Please send all costumes, accessories and hair supplies with your dancer.
We will have volunteer parents to help dancers change.
Please send a bag or bin with your dancer for all worn costumes and accessories to be taken home in.
Do I have to order pictures?
No. Ordering pictures is optional.
Do I have to attend this event if I don’t plan on ordering pictures?
Yes. This is also a Dress Rehearsal. We need all dancers present for our technicians to see the full dance and set lighting. It is also a chance for your dancer to get oriented on the stage and in the space so they know what to expect on the day of the show.
How do I purchase Pictures?
You will need to preregister with Gaby Cavalcanti Photography. {Link in the Pictures section above, and on the “2024 Showcase Information” page on our website.
Showcase Information
Date: Sunday, 06/23/24
Matinee Show Call Time: 12:00p
Evening Show Call Time: 4:30p
Location: Edmonds Woodway High School- 7600 212th ST SW, Edmonds, WA 98026
NOTE: The Matinee & Evening shows have different lineups. Please note the differences.
Tentative 2024 Matinee Showcase Lineup:
T.A. Dance
Let's Go To The Movies
Do It To It
Once Upon A December
If I Were A Man
A Letter To My Parents
Austin Powers
The Tale of Sweeney Todd
Canned Heat
Jurassic Park
Pink Panther
My Heart Will Go On
First Day Of Summer
She's In Love
Wherever We Go
You Are My Sunshine
I'd Rather Go Blind
UK Girl
We R Who We R
The Bright Side Of Life
The Way She Said
Moon River
Song of Amélie
Singing In The Rain
Mortal Kombat
Tentative 2024 Evening Showcase Lineup:
T.A. Dance
Let's Go To The Movies
Do It To It
Once Upon A December
Hit The Floor
Austin Powers
Jurassic Park
Canned Heat
The Tale of Sweeney Todd
Pink Panther
My Heart Will Go On
First Day Of Summer
She's In Love
Wherever We Go
If You Hadn't
As If
You Are My Sunshine
UK Girl
We R Who We R
The Bright Side Of Life
Moon River
Song of Amélie
Singing In The Rain
Mortal Kombat